The MPD Foundation has changed its name to MPN Research Foundation. But don't worry; you'll still be able to reach us at our current web address and email addresses, at least for the foreseeable future.
Why the change? Because in 2008 the World Health Organization (WHO) developed a new classification system for the Myeloproliferative Disorders (MPDs), and in the process changed the official designation to Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs). They also added a handful of new blood diseases to the category, such as chronic neutrophilic leukemia, chronic eosinophilic leukemia, hypereosinophilic syndrome and the not-very helpful "MPNs, unclassifiable."
However, the three diseases that have always been our concern - polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET) and myelofibrosis (MF) - are still considered the "classic" Philadelphia chromosome-negative [Ph(1)] myeloproliferative neoplasms. Our focus will remain on funding research to find a cure for these three diseases.
The word "neoplasm" actually defines our diseases far more precisely than "disorder" did. Neoplasia (Greek for "new growth") means the abnormal proliferation of cells - in our case, one or more lines of blood cells. Many kinds of neoplasia result in lumps or tumors, either benign or malignant. They are called neoplasms, too, and are a good deal more common than our blood cell neoplasms; so friends may think you're using the term "neoplasm" incorrectly. You won't be.
Though we've changed our name we're still pursuing the same research goals as always. With your continued support we are able to be sure that the understanding of MPNs is constantly improving, leading to steps forward in science, therapies, and of course, nomenclature. This name change puts us in line with the latest thinking of authorities like WHO and we think it's a change that will be beneficial to the MPN community's understanding of their condition. Please take a moment to read about our new 2011 research grants, and consider giving the fact that this research is funded primarily by MPN patients around the world. They will be responsible for the next advancement in treatments.