This year is all about YOU as patients and patient-supporters, and the role you can take in combatting PV, ET, and MF.
This month we'll be starting a conversation on ways you can educate yourself and Take Action, and consequently help raise awareness about MPNs.
Starting next week, look for weekly emails from us on different components of the MPN world. Hopefully you'll pass them on to your friends and family. MPNs affect almost 300,000 people across the U.S.
Follow along on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #mpnbcam throughout the month of September.
You as patients know what it is to live with an MPN, and you know what a cure would mean. Play a part in informing your community that though rare, MPNs are worthy of attention and action.
Get Involved: To participate in one of September's events and for resources click here.
Join us September 17th for a Twitter Chat!
On Tuesday, September 17th we'll be hosting an #mpnbcam Tweet-Chat. Follow us at @MPN_RF then follow along with the #mpnbcam hashtag. The conversation starts at 7pm EST. Foundation chairman and PV patient Bob Rosen will be participating as will MPN blogger Lina. We hope to "tweet" you there!