NORD is the National Organization for Rare Disorders. They bring individuals and organizations together who have one important thing in common: having or working in rare disorders. We've mentioned our participation in their medical meetings before. Today we discovered a new opportunity to help them create a better registry of rare diseases that is accessible to patients.
We are pleased to say that helping NORD (and, by extension, people living with a rare disorder such as MPD / MPN) is free and easy. Just register here and vote for NORD's project. The 10 organizations who receive the most votes will each win $50,000. For the 1 in 10 people in the United States who have a rare disease (and more internationally), having access to information on their disease is vital in managing their treatment and symptoms.
We at MPD Foundation believe it is important to partner with organizations who are working in the area of rare diseases. There is potential for our struggles and strengths to overlap and help each of us understand our respective struggle. Our relationship with NORD is just one of many we have established in the orphan and rare disease community.
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