By guest blogger Emily, who this week is blogging about Invisible Illness Week.

I learned to put on the happy face real quick when I got my
first “Grown-Up Job”. I started at my office as the receptionist, so putting on
the perky, bubbly personality, however fake it may have been, became a part of
my daily life. Fatigued, sick, headache? Didn’t matter. That smile was
plastered on. Inside I might have been cursing the phone for ringing, but I’d
still thank you for calling and inquire how I could help. If you didn’t know I
was sick…you would not know. There are days though when I just can’t fake
it anymore, my fatigue catches up with me and knocks me out. On those
days, I tend to hear that dreaded “but you don’t LOOK
sick...”. Also on those days my sarcastic side will often think(or sometimes
say, depending on the audience) "And you don't LOOK like a jerk..but I
guess appearances can be deceiving, can't they?"
Believe me, I am neither wanting nor expecting
sympathy. Understanding would be wonderful though. Yes, it's true
that we don't fit the picture in most people's heads of what sick should
look like, but trust me while these illnesses may be invisible, we and
our pain certainly are not.
Please, think twice before telling us we don't
fit your image.